Pollutant release trends
In this section are presented two dashboard which display the pollutant releases in both air and water for selected pollutants relevant to the target.
Data disclaimer
- Norway and Slovakia have not reported data under the EU Registry or the E-PRTR/LCP since 2017.
- Data for reporting year 2018 for Germany, Liechtenstein and Lithuania are incomplete.
- Data for reporting year 2019 for Germany, Liechtenstein and Lithuania are incomplete.
- Data for reporting year 2020 for Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania and Malta are incomplete.
Air trends
Find below the pollutant releases trends for a number of key air pollutants in Europe. You can select the country by using the dropdown menu in the chart below. The air trends cover SOx, PM10, CO2, NOx, NMVOC, Cd, Hg and Pb. Please scroll down for the water trends.
Water trends
Find below the pollutant releases trends for a number of key water pollutants in Europe. You can select the country by using the dropdown menu in the chart below. Pollutants covered are: Cd, Hg, Ni, Pb, TOC, TN, TP, PAHs.